Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Blogger Challenge #5

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Holla, gais! Blogger challenge yang kelima diteruskan dengan "A letter to someone. Anyone". But who? Lemme think first. Okay okay. I got it.

Dear my past, thank you for the lessons. Especially when facing some unwanted people in my life. I'm glad that I already push them away from my life. I'm sorry for blocking you from viewing my social media. I don't want to add your sins anymore. Yes, I'm not perfect. I admit it. I'm not perfect like you. You have everything. Pretty face, wealth, intelligence and etc. I know that I'm lack in everything. But I don't know why you did this to me. Thank you for make me realizing me what true friends are. It hurts. Damn hurts much. Until I don't know how to cry anymore and make it as silent pain. 

Thank you for backstabbing and badmouthing me. And also taken me for granted. It helps me to be independent and discover who really I am. Now, I can do whatever I want. I don't care what people say about me anymore. I gained my self confidence from day to day. I learned how to mind my business and protect myself first. From getting hurt again and again. Obviously, I can do whatever I want now. I can upload any pictures at social media without doubt anymore. I can dress up whatever I like without being judged anymore. Cause I don't care at all. Have a nice day yaa. I know that you must be extremely happy because I'm already get out of your sight. Thank you for everything. I may forgive but I won't forget eventhough you never say sorry at all.

You may read this :


  1. You are amazing, I hope you know that I'm truly inspired by yr courageous spirit within this entry . Thanks for writing this. All this while, I think it's just me that going thru those 'painful' moments of betrayal and backstabbing...

    But now I know, a lot of people out there are facing the same problems. And... it does, truly amazing based on how people can ignore the negativity and just keep moving with higher value of positive spirits inside.

    Congrats, for the moving on phase from those sorrow. You are inspiring me. :)

    1. It takes a big courage to move on from negative vibes. I just do what I should do in order to have an inner peace. Do whatever make your soul happy. Thank you for your words ❤️

  2. Yes.. memaafkan tapi tidak melupakan..

  3. wah. deep letter ni, fiqa.
    jom kita lihat ke depan dgn semangat baru.
    sesungguhnya hari semlm byk beri kita tauladan kelak.


Assalamualaikum. Hi! Please drop your comment and opinion here. Harsh and dirty words are strictly prohibited. Thanks :)